Saturday we went out to the pasture to feed the horses and play. While we were there we got some great shots. Sarah was manning the camera. She didn't want to ride with out a saddle. (All we brought were kid's saddles.)

Sammy rode very well, not afraid, very focused. He's holding the reins correctly. He looks like he's working cattle with his game face on. (Don't worry, I held on to him and led his horse the whole time.)

Abbey just had riding all by herself on old Joker. She was all smiles.

Nathaniel rode by himself. He controlled his horse, Thunder, made it turn and go, even when the horse wanted to go stand the lead mare that I was riding.

Ellie got to ride one of our advanced horses, that I am still training some. (Now remember we are in a safe controlled environment and I am not more than 10 feet from her at all times.) She did excellent. She calmed the horse down and had it doing everything she wanted it to do. She has been riding really sloppy, on the older kid horses. She had been sitting poorly and not being careful with her movements. But on this horse, every movement was noticed and bad posture couldn't be tolerated by horse or rider. Ellie rose to the ocassion and rode like a champ. We all had a lot of fun.